July 25, 2021


The Body Reminds

No official workout yesterday; surprisingly sore from Friday’s yoga, had a lunch date, and worked at our local cidery in the evening. Got my steps in during the evening cider shift, but other than that most of the day was spent sighing and grunting as I heaved my limbs from place to place.

Today included some weightlifting and kettle bell swings on our covered patio, and a healthy amount of gardening during the heat of the day. This got interrupted by our much more observant neighbor, who pointed out some cracking and water seeping up in the street in front of our house. The city of Sacramento was amazingly responsive; not one but two trucks showed up (on a Sunday!) within a half hour for preliminary inspections. It sounds like this will be on the city’s tab and not ours, hallelujah, although we’ll see what the final say is tomorrow when their leak inspection team comes to take a look.

It’s a hard life for this one.

(Post title courtesy of Ron Caluza, who should use it for his memoir.)